Embossing Machinery: which machines I should know.
Embossing machines are a valuable tool for the packaging industry as they can add a raised or recessed image or design to a variety of materials, including paper, film, and foil. Here are some of the best embossing machines for the packaging industry:
Heidelberg Stahlfolder TH 82-P: This versatile machine can handle a wide range of materials, including paper, film, and foil. It offers high precision and can handle high-volume production.
Bobst SP 76-E: This embossing machine is designed for high-quality printing and embossing on a wide range of materials, including paper, film, and foil. It offers a high level of automation and can handle high-volume production.
Jagenberg Vari-Fold: This machine is suitable for the folding carton industry and can handle a variety of materials, including paper, film, and foil. It offers high precision and automation, making it an efficient option for high-volume production.
Martini MC Embosser: This machine is designed for high-quality embossing on a wide range of materials, including paper, film, and foil. It offers high precision and automation and can handle high-volume production.
Van Dam Foil-Stamping and Embossing Press: This machine is designed for high-quality foil stamping and embossing on a wide range of materials, including paper, film, and foil. It offers high precision and automation and can handle high-volume production.
Wohlenberg Guillotine Cutters