Impositioning: Software and what we can use
Imposition software is used to arrange multiple pages of a document onto a single sheet of paper in an efficient manner, saving both time and paper. The best imposition tools will have a range of features to help you achieve this, including:
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC: Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is a popular imposition tool that offers a wide range of features, including the ability to create custom page layouts, impose multiple pages onto a single sheet of paper, and print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper.
Enfocus PitStop Pro: PitStop Pro is a powerful imposition tool that offers advanced features such as preflighting, editing, and imposition of PDF files. It also has the ability to automate the imposition process, making it an efficient option for large-scale projects.
Preps: Preps is a popular imposition software that is used by many printers and publishers. It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of imposition templates, making it easy to create custom page layouts.
Adobe InDesign: Adobe InDesign is a professional-grade design and layout software that can be used for imposition. It has advanced features like object-based imposition, and allows you to place multiple pages on one spread, making it a versatile imposition tool.
Imposition Studio: Imposition Studio is a powerful imposition software that offers a wide range of features such as the ability to impose multiple pages onto a single sheet of paper, create custom page layouts, and print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper.
Ultimate Impostrip: Ultimate Impostrip is a powerful and flexible imposition software that offers advanced features such as variable data printing, JDF support, and dynamic content imposition, making it an efficient option for large-scale projects.
These are some of the best imposition software tools available on the market today. Depending on your specific needs and the scale of your project, you may find that one of these tools is a better fit for you than others.